I have a bruise shaped like a heart on my chest. "I have a heart on" Teehee. My bangs bother me so fing much. They keep wanting to chill out where my eye is, and they are not allowed to do that. And the bangs that are SUPPOSED to be above my eye are in my eye all the live-long day. It's like... What, the fuck. (Or one of my other wtfs: Dafuk, dafook, what thuh ff, fuck what the.)
As you can tell, I'm a bit bored BUT. The AR All Hallow's Eve tour that I was actually around for? It was amazing. Clover and I had a hell of a time. I love The Band Manta almost as much as I do Steel Butterflies, and tons of our usual AR fans showed. I got to talk with Anthony Demon (not his real name) and some solo artists. It was cool.
I CANNOT TYPE RIGHT DAFUK. I'm really tired too, and it's 8:01 PM now, and I just got home with Samantha.
I kept SWEARNG I saw Brendon Urie, but it wasn't. I was all excited and then it was just some guy. It's okay though. I joined a new forum and made a character that I'll just call Solix. He's a dude. PB is the man himself, Andy Sixx. And OH MY GOD IS THAT CRISS ANGEL?
Oh, let me show you pictures of my celebrity crushes.
Criss Angel.
Andy Sixx.
Jayy von Monroe.
Chris Dakota & Sam Llansing.
(Probably not in that order, I can't tell 'em apart.)
Brandon Killen.
EVERYBODY in this picture.
Which is of the band Kill Hannah.
Trend, do you see one? Ha.
Most of these guys are like... So much older than me. How old is Criss now? Like 43. He's old enough to be my dad but LOOK AT THAT PICTURE. JUST. LOOK AT IT. Andy's not that bad, he's maybe a year or two younger than my brother. I'm not sure about Jayy, or the rest. Also, in the Kill Hannah picture... Guy on the far right. Who IS THAT. I need to know.
Also, Gerard Way from MCR looks sorta-kinda hot. I also sort of have a thing for Dahvie Vanity. Maybe it's because he's like ten years older than me.
I heard that BotDF's new album, (R)Evolution, is coming out in 2012. I cannot wait, I'm serious.
And BVB's going on tour with my other favorite bands ever ever ever, like Avenged Sevenfold (RIP Jimmy!) and Hollywood Undead (Charlie Scene ftw). I'll have to go stalk that. If I don't, I'll... I'll just... Die. I'll just shrivel up and die. If you love me and you're going, you'll take me wih you because if you don't YOU ARE A MURDERER. I've ALWAYS loved you, don't lie, you know it, and there is no excuse not to take me. I can fit in a box or in your purse and I'll even buy my own ticket if need be.
"Yeah, where is?"
"Left pocket."
"There's not a pocket there."
"Try the right side."
"Kay, hold... Here you go."
"Thanks, purse buddy!"
If you want a purse buddy, if you like eyeliner, if you like HU, A7X, or BVB, if you love me, and if you love me, you'll take me everywhere on that tour.